Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just in time for the holidays! 

RFGBA is running a Fanny May fundraiser to pay for new uniforms. 

Our goal is to raise $6,000. 

It will be a team effort and with your help, we will accomplish our goal! 

Starting:  Candy bars can be picked up at practice starting Monday, Nov 11th.
Ending:    Unsold candy bars and money should be turned in to coaches by Dec 5th.
Selling:    Fanny May candy bars 
                 (milk chocolate, caramel, almond, peanut butter, crisped rice)
Amount:  Each player is being asked to sell one box of 52 Fanny May candy bars.
Price:      The candy bar prices are 1 for $2,  3 for $5,  7 for $10. 
               Each box should generate a minimum of $75. 
Goal:       Raise $6000 to help pay for the new Wildcat uniforms.