Required Forms

Every new basketball season includes a certain amount of paper work. This seasons required forms include:

River Falls Girls Basketball Association Code of Conduct - The RFGBA seeks to set a high standard of conduct for all parents, players and coaches. This single form covers the respectful and common sense expectations for everyone participating in the River Falls Girls Youth Basketball program. All parents, players and coaches must read and sign a code of conduct form.

Concussion Awareness and Acknowledgement - Parents and players have separate informational flyers on the dangers and signs of concussions. After reading the information flyers, parents and players must read and sign a parent or player concussion awareness acknowledgement form. (two forms per player)

Medical Consent and Release - This form covers; Acknowledgement of the risk of injury inherent in the sport of basketball, Consent for emergency medical treatment, and Indemnification against legal action. Parents or guardians must complete a medical consent and release for each player.

There are a total of four required forms per player. Please complete the required forms early so that coaches can concentrate on basketball and not paper work.

A Player's uniform will be assigned only if all forms are completed.