Monday, July 1, 2013



1.    ARMS STAGGERED/DROP/SWITCH:  holding ball between legs, place one hand in front and one in back, drop ball and switch hands/catch before hits ground.
2.     ARMS STAGGERED/FLIP:  same as above only now do not let ball touch ground.  Flip it up slightly and catch as you are switching hands.
3.   ARMS TOGETHER/DROP:  both hands on ball in front of body, drop between legs and catch with hands behind body.
4.   ARMS TOGETHER/FLIP:  same as above only flip ball between legs while moving hands front to back.
5.    DROP WITH RHYTHM: starting with arms staggered, drop ball between legs and catch with hands opposite, then push ball through and circle around both legs to starting postion.  Make sure to work both directions (with right hand and then left hand in front)
6.   BEHIND HEAD CLAP:  place ball at the back of the neck, let drop, clap hands and catch behind back at waist.  Goal is to not let ball drop to ground.
7.   BEHIND KNEES CLAP:  same as above only ball is placed at back of knees and catch (ball can bounce once then work towards catching ball before it hits ground)
8.   QUICK TOUCHES:  quickly push ball back and forth using fingertips in hands…..can move it up high or bring down low.

9.   THROW IT THROUGH:  bounce ball forcefully back and forth through the legs from front to back.

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